Friday, March 6, 2015

Breaking Up Via Technology: Dos and Don'ts

            According to a study done by Lab42, a company that conducts consumer market research via social networks, shows that more than one-third of adults have broken up via Facebook, text messages, or even emails.  Also, the survey results showed that approximately 40% of the 550 people surveyed over the age of 18 would indeed use technology to break up with their significant other if the situation were to come about. Technology nowadays is central to initiating relationships that it is not surprising that it is also central to ending relationships as well.
            The article I chose to write about is called, “When Is It OK To Break Up With Somebody Via Technology?” by Samantha Escobar. Throughout this article she goes through and discusses some of the dos and don’ts when it comes to breaking up via technology. A big thing she discusses throughout the article is the amount of time you have been with your significant other. If you have been dating this person for a very long time, we will say years, then breaking up face-to-face makes it feel more personal and respectful in comparison to just doing it via technology. Doing it from technology just makes it seem upsetting and isn’t the way you should go about things. Now on the other hand, if you have been dating for maybe less than a month or so and know it is not going anywhere the best way to go may be to just break up via technology. It might not be the most sensitive thing to do, but it is not the most terrible way of going about things. Another big topic discussed it the words you choose to use when breaking up with your significant other. Obviously, regardless of it being over technology or not, you need to be sensitive. And if you are doing it over technology, you need to be even more sensitive and concise as you would be in person.  And lastly, she discusses how your situation with your significant other can dictate how you break up.  She says how the only time it is acceptable to use technology would be when you do not feel safe around the person and want to end things. Also, when it is a long-distance type of relationship, this would obviously be the best option.
            I chose this article because I personally have been dumped via technology and some of my friends have too. In my personal opinion, I would have to agree with Samantha when she discusses how breaking up via technology is okay in some instances. In my case however and the cases of my friends, that was not the best way about doing it. I know it may seem like the easier way of going about things, but it’s unfair to the other person. Nowadays I see a ton of people breaking up over Facebook. That is like the new thing to do. I have one specific friend who always changes their relationship status like once every two weeks.  Apparently, breaking up via technology is the new “norm.” I personally could never bring myself to do it via technology. As I had previously stated, I feel that it may be good in some instance such as a long-term relationship, but I do not think it should become the new way of going about all break ups.

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