Friday, January 23, 2015

Supposed deflation of Patriot football

Christian Tabron
New England Patriots Deflating footballs?

          The New England Patriots have just recently  obliterated the Indianapolis Colts this pass Sunday in the AFC championship game with a score ending at 45-7. Instead of the media discussing such a great victory, instead they spoke about the New England Patriots possibly deflating the ball under the proper NFL rules. Monday morning, the media spoke to New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady and asked him about the potential deflation of the football. Tom Brady chuckled as he listened in on the question and said "I've heard it all at this point. I don't even bother". The type of communication shown within this morning radio show would allow you to believe this potential deflation would be false because everyone within the show was laughing at this accusation as if it would completely false. Tom Brady was laughing at the accusation and even sarcastically stated that maybe the ball got deflated from Rob Gronkowski's touchdown spikes. This type of communication that is being sent to the world allows us to believe there is no way the accusation could be true. He seemed very confidant this case would be thrown at and the Patriots could then focus on the superbowl.

          But, 24 hours later, the NFL investigators reported 11 of the 12 footballs used by the Patriots in that game were deflated below regulation during the first half of the game. There were immediate press conferences after the report with Tom Brady and New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick. At these particular press conferences is where we notice a lot more messages other than the verbal communication. During Bill Belichick's press conference, he seemed unblemished and confident standing at the podium answering such antagonizing questions. This type of communication gives off the idea that he is telling the truth the people asking, He looked every individual in the eye when he responded to their question, he stood up straight with his chest out at times during his speech, and he stuck to his answers from the beginning to end to increase the belief of individuals watching and listening. This now put the focus of Tom Brady.

          Tom Brady seemed a bit nervous, bothered, and confused when approached with this accusation. This led to slight disbelief from people listening in on this press conference. He was constantly fidgety while being asked questions. This led some to believe he wanted to get off of the podium as soon as possible. He would sometimes stutter and also have some inconsistencies within his answers which also led to disbelief. He posture changed from straight up to slouched in correlation from his speech to being questions. This led to more disbelief. It was sometimes difficult for Tom to keep his focus on one person and he would also immediately look at another individual before answering the person's question which led me to believe he is trying to get through the conference as quick as possible. Throughout these two press conferences we noticed ultimately that both the coach Bill Belichick and quarterback Tom Brady denies any knowledge to this accusation and were absolutely in no way a part of such deviance acts.

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