Friday, January 23, 2015

computer mediated communication and the sorority girl

Nicky Daniels

While sitting in lecture the other day, something really caught my attention.  We talked about computer mediated communication and how we can use it 24/7, whenever our little hearts desire.  While that can be a very useful thing there are times when it is just plan annoying.  People can literally text you or call you WHENEVER they want to.  That means two in the morning or three in the afternoon.  One thing that really hit home with me is the fact that I have experienced this annoyance of 24/7 texting first hand.  When I first started in the sorority we had to join a texting group so the whole pledge class could talk to each other and keep in touch with the older sister incharge of us.  That was all fun and good for a while but within a week I was ready to throw my cell phone against the wall.  At one in the morning girls would have conversations in the group text talking about God knows what while I was trying to sleep.  There were times when my phone would not stop vibrating.  It was the most annoying thing in the entire world at the time.  Another thing that I hated about this group chat was when the older sister that was our "boss" would text us, she wanted all fifteen girls in the group chat to say 'ok' so she knew we all read it.  One thing that was great about this non-stop communication was, on Friday nights if something were to happen at one of the parties we were at, we all knew about it within minutes.  We had each others backs when it came to something bad happening and th group chats really helped out with that.
It did not end there, now, two years into the sorority, this always communication has not stopped.  Now a days we get at least twenty emails throughout the day, at all hours of the day.  There is no stopping.
Last night I got three emails passed eleven thirty about nonsense.  There are times that twenty five emails will pop up on my phone, there are more instancs that my phone will not shut up because people are talking about what outfit to wear out in a group chat while they could be simply texting each other without everyone else in the chat.
Communication in the world today is rapidly becoming more and more apart of our lives.  Communication at all times of the day can be a great thing, especially when something bad has happened or someone really needs to get a hold of you.  But there are other times when we just need to step back, put our phones down and get a good nights sleep.  Thank goodness for the do not disturb button on the iphone in todays world. If there is anything I would want you to take away from this post, it would be to turn that phone off at night, leave your friends alone, and do not talk in group chats if you are not talking to the entire group, because you never know who is going to want to throw thier phone against a wall in annoyance.

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