Friday, April 3, 2015

How catfishing affects people

Kyle Hamilton

     Cat fishing people is a some what new topic and I dot think everyone has it fully figured out. I'm going to point out the effect a catfish as on them self and the victims of the catfish. The start of the catfish area all started with Catfish the movie starting a that goes by the name of Nev. He was talking to this girl online and want to take the relationship to the next level and met up in person. He met up with the person he was talking to and it wasn't who he thought id was and this is when the catfish area started. after Catfish the movie, Nev came out with a show on MTV name Catfish the TV show. Nev and his friend Max go around the country helping people find there cat fishers. Normally this is a very awkward process being because the cat fisher has to come clean to the person they have been lying to the whole time. On the cat fishers side this might be a good thing because they have a problem and going through this process forces them to either stop cat fishing or at least step back and see that they are doing a bad thing and hurting people in the process. On the other hand the person that is getting cat fished have to go through the pain of breaking up with a fake person. This idea is so new that not many people know how to deal with in. Most people that get cat fished are very angry the first time they meet there cat fisher. Once they both sit down together they both normally cool off and have a civil conversation.
    Overall cat fishing has a negative turn out. Both sides of the cat fish normally take a loss. When all as been said and done the two people involved in the catfish end up not being friends at all. This mainly has to do with trust. If trust is the foundation of a relationship that a cat fish relationship is domed from the start. There is no trust fro one of the people in the relationship. This will most likely end up in a failed relationship. In conclusion if a person is looking to start a relationship it should not stem from a cat fish type of relationship.  

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