Monday, March 2, 2015

Types of Friendships

Anna Hernandez 

     When discussing the different types of friendships there are, I started to evaluate the different relationships that I have with my friends. I identified my close friends as well as those who are just acquaintances. While we may not think about it, we should evaluate the types of friends we have in our lives based on the mutualism between the two of you. What I mean by this is that when having a friendship with someone , it is most likely that the other person receives the same amount of benefits from you and you receive enough from them .We can determine the relationship by the way we benefit or they benefit from us. For example when you think of your best friend, It is most likely the person that you spend most of your time with, knows the most about you, you are comfortable with them and they are also there for you through support and attention. When you think about other “friends” , they are usually just people you know on a first name basis or have interacted with a few times before. In the article “ 10 Types of Odd relationships your are probably apart of”, It goes through not only the type of friend you are but also the type of friends that you have. They way the article describes the relationships is through tiers. You have your first Tier which are composed of you closest friends. Then you have Tier 2, who are your good friends, ones that you associate with regularly but may not know much about you, such as high school classmates. This then leads up to Tier 3 who are your “not really friends”. These are people that you know a little about , such as neighbors, but do not really associate with them or interact with them.These are people that are in your circle and in your life as you please. For example you may go out to eat one night but then don’t talk to them for a while or ever again.  Last but not least you have your acquaintances. These are people that you have met in your life  and if you saw them , you would stop and say hello,but they are not people you associate with on a daily basis. So know that you know a little bit about the types of friends you have, What kind of friend are you? and to who? The article also goes on to mention the different types of friends we have on different social media sites. This then leads into how we can communicate with our friends and how we maintain a relationship. Some ways that most teens in todays society do this is through Computer mediated communication. Examples of these websites in which teens and young adults communicate are Facebook, Twitter and Tinder. We use these to maintain our relationships and keep in contact with others. One thing mentioned in lecture was that now a days, we are able to keep our relationships with people mobile, meaning that if we geographically move, we are still able to maintain a relationship with our friends. This is an advantage of technology. 

Urban. Tim. 10 Types of Odd Friendship You are probably a part of.

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