Monday, March 2, 2015

Cross Sex Friendships

Shakita Jarrett

Blog 3


The debate of cross sex friendships between heterosexual women and men is ongoing and there is no definite answer besides its possible. Even though there is no certain answer, non-romantic friendships between females and males are common and people enjoy those friendships for the different insights of the opposite sex and ego support which is observable in any friendship. According to “Men and Women Can't Be "Just Friends" article, women and men are capable of hanging out together and enjoying casual activities without sleeping together. However, the opportunity of that relationship turning sexual is always lingering, known as emotional bond challenge and the sexual challenge. Emotional bond challenge is inevitable in female and male interactions because as heterosexuals we are trained to view the other as potential mates, in particularly, males will see their female friend as attractive and may initiate sex with that female friend. Whereas, females often do not view their male friend as a potential partner and are not attracted to him causing a feeling of rejection within the male. In the article “Men and Women Can't Be "Just Friends", the author discussed a lab study of 88 pairs of college opposite sex friends, the pairs were separated and asked questions about their feelings or lack of for toward their friend. The results exhibited the gender differences of women and men in opposite-sex friendships that men “consistently overestimated the level of attraction felt by their female friends and women consistently underestimated the level of attraction felt by their male friends.”(Ward, 2012). Due to that level of attraction to the female, males are not good with platonic friendships compared to their female counterpart. Sexual challenge is exhibited in these relationships particularly among men because sex is likely to cross their minds during the friendship. Another test to cross-sex friendships is the public presentation challenge, which means if people see the friends in public a lot, questions will be asked if that is really a friendship or are they dating. This question I feel is inevitable with all heterosexual friendships because of the common belief that males and females are incapable of being “just friends”. This challenge can also hinder a friendship because the friends may wonder how is their presentation to others for others to perceive them in such a way causing them to go out in public less due to the perception. Another article by Psychology Today titled “Can Men and Women Be "Just Friends"? The author identified three tips of having a platonic relationship between males and females hopefully alleviating any problems: (a) understand the different friendship needs by communicating each other’s needs in the friendship; (b) communicate your intentions by being honest with each other about your goals so there is not misinterpretations and the males does not have the assumption that sex is involved in the friendship and (c) only stay with fair trades meaning both individuals in the friendship need to have a shared desire because this will lead to a frustration free friendship. (Nicholson, 2013)



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