Friday, April 24, 2015

Scams aimed at the elderly

Elderly People are some of the most suet after people when it comes to scamming. Scammers have many ways of scamming the elderly. These methods can range from fake telemarketer scams to fake medical establishments. I’ll be writing about the scams that have to do with CMC that I found in this article . The first type of scam ill address is a counterfeit prescription drug scam. The method of scamming is normally done on the internet. This is a popular scam because older people have started to search for cheaper prescription drugs online. The problem is that the older people can’t tell the difference between fake prescription website and real ones. This is not only a problem with money. The fake drugs the scammers are selling can have harmful effects on the body when taken. This method of scamming has become more popular since the 1990's with the rise in prescription drug usage. In general older people are a main target for internet fraud. There low knowledge of the internet is what makes them so frequently targeted.  There are a few different ways older people can be scammed online first is through email. A scammer may send out a mass phishing email say they are a legitimate company such as the IRS. The elderly aren't aware of scams so they just go along with the email as if it were legitimate. Another way a scammer could take advantage of an elderly’s lack of internet knowledge is Pop-ups. Scammers can either use Pop-ups to give the victim a virus on their computer or extract personal information from the victim.
The next type of scam might be the most popular, Telemarketing. This scam is done over the phone and is a perfect scam to aim at old people because they purchase twice as many products over the phone than the national average. The fact that this scam is over the phone is what makes it so dangerous. the scams are hard to trace and even harder to prevent.

 The last method of scamming elderly I’ll write about is called The Grandparent scam. This scam is similar to the telemarketer scam because they are both over the phone but there is one big difference. In The Grandparent scam, the scammer pretends to be the victim’s grandchild and they are in a bad situation or any other position where they need a sum of money quickly. They might ask the grandparents to wire money to a certain place by a certain time. This scam is even worse because the scammers are taking advantage of grandparent’s hearts and good will. Unfortunately this type of scam happened to many grandparents. Someone called my grandfather saying that I was in a drunken driving accident and I was arrested. They asked him to wire a certain amount of money to a place in New Jersey so I could make bail. By the time my grandfather found out it was a scam he was unable to get his money back and even got in contact with the FBI and little could be down. Proving how hard it really is to trace and catch the scammers.

- Kyle Hamilton




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